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North Macedonia: MEPSO: FYR Macedonia-Albania Transmission Phase I

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Project Name: MEPSO: FYR Macedonia-Albania Transmission Phase I
EBRD Project ID: 46274
Country: North Macedonia
Client Name: AD MEPSO
ECEPP ID: 7815965
Procurement Exercise Name: Lot 1: Supply and Installation of 400 kV OHTL from 400/110 kV SS Bitola2, trough 400/110 kV SS Ohrid to Macedonian/Albanian border
Type of Procurement: Works
Procurement Method: Open Tender Single Stage
Business Sector: Power and Energy
Notice Type: Ebrd Contract Award Notice
Publication Date: 05/07/2023 23:10
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This is a Ebrd Contract Award Notice and cannot be responded to directly.

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

1. Contract Details

Contract Title: Lot 1 - Supply and Installation of 400 kV OHTL from 400/110 kV SS Bitola 2, through 400/110 kW SS 0hrid to Macedonian/Albanian border

Contract Description: The overall (master) project, Elbasan – Bitola 400 kV interconnection, of which this design project forms a part, has significant regional impact, and is on the list of Project of Energy Community Interest which was adopted by the Energy Community Ministerial Council.
The project consists of:
Part 1: 400 kV OHTL 400/110 kV SS Bitola 2 - MK/AL border
Part 2: 2x110 OHTL 400/110 kV SS Ohrid – Chesho Glava in-out connection to 400/110 kV SS Ohrid
Part 3: 110 kV single circuit in-out connection with the existing 110 kV OHTL 110/10 kV SS Struga – 110/10 kV SS Ohrid

Contract Scheduled Completion Date: 06/05/2023

Date of Contract Signature: 07/02/2020

Signed Contract Value:
17,221,889.14 EUR

No lots for this contract.

2. Contracting Party
Energoinvest d.d. - Sarajevo

Hamdije Cemerlica no.2,
Bosnia And Herzegovina

JVCA Partners:
No JVCA partners for this contract.

2. Contracting Party

Energoinvest d.d. - Sarajevo
Hamdije Cemerlica no.2
Bosnia And Herzegovina

Contract Price: EUR 17,221,889.14
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 17,221,889.14


3. Other Information
Contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan: MEPSO: Macedonia - Albania Transmission Phase 1, that is related to: construction of 400 kV OHTL from 400/110 kV SS Bitola 2, trough 400/110 kV SS Ohrid to Macedonian/Albanian border, which includes detail design, manufacturing, delivery, installation, construction, testing, commissioning and defects liability for 400 kV OHTL "400/110 kV SS Bitola 2 - MK/AL border", 2x110 kV OHTL "400/110 kV SS Ohrid – Chesho Glava", 110 kV single circuit in-out connection with the existing "110 kV OHTL 110/10 kV SS Struga – 110/10 kV SS Ohrid", supply of spare parts and special tools, complete in each respect at turnkey basis, as detailed and specified in the Tender Documents

4. Client Address
Mrs. Biljana Petreska
Maksim Gorki 4
North Macedonia
Tel. +389 70258116