Ebrd Contract Award Notice
Tender/Contract Reference No: 11380737: Rehabilitation of pressure sewers
Scope Of Contract: Rehabilitation of Pressure Sewers (Replacement of DN 500 mm pressure sewer with new PE pipes.
Approximate total L = 4,2 km). Lida, Belarus.
Duration of Contract: one year
Contract Award Date: 23/10/2020
Awarded Tenderer(s):
Unitary Private Construction Enterprise "West" by Veikut V.V., Lida
124B Pobedy ave.
Tender price at tender opening: EUR 830,056.51
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): EUR 830,056.51
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 830,056.51
Contract Price (in evaluation currency): EUR 830,056.51
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 830,056.51
Is this a JVCA: No
Evaluated Tenderer(s):
BelBurStroy LLC
Zbozhovaya str.,21, 230026, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
Tender price at tender opening: EUR 1,023,907.84
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): EUR 1,023,907.84
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 1,023,907.84
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}
Is this a JVCA: No