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Egypt: Renovation of Cairo OSS Office

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Project Name: MSME Support Programme Component 1: Legal and regulatory reform One Stop Shop Modernisation
EBRD Project ID: N/A
Country: Egypt
Client Name: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency (MSMEDA)
ECEPP ID: 16113433
Procurement Exercise Name: Renovation of Cairo OSS Office
Procurement Method: Simple
Business Sector: Financial Institutions
Notice Type: Ebrd Contract Award Notice
Publication Date: 18/10/2021 10:29
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This is a Ebrd Contract Award Notice and cannot be responded to directly.

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Tender/Contract Reference No: 16113433: Renovation of Cairo OSS Office

Scope Of Contract: Renovation of Cairo OSS office

Duration of Contract:

Contract Award Date: 17/10/2021

Awarded Tenderer(s):

Al Karma Contracting Company Waheed Mahrous Jaballah and his partner
14 Sheikh Mohamed Refaat Al-Nozha Street, Cairo, Egypt
14 Sheikh Mohamed Refaat Al-Nozha Street, Cairo, Egypt

Tender price at tender opening: EGP 482,150.00
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): EGP 482,160.00
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 26,213.11
Contract Price (in evaluation currency): EGP 482,160.00
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 26,213.11

Is this a JVCA: No

Evaluated Tenderer(s):

Arab Tech Masr
Gamal Abdelnaser st. Ehnasia city , beni suef , egypt
beni suef

Tender price at tender opening: EGP 483,000.00
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): EGP 483,000.00
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 26,258.77
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: No

Markeer for construction
62 mmostafa kamel st cairo egypt

Tender price at tender opening: EGP 498,600.00
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): EGP 498,600.00
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 27,106.88
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: No

Sedra for Contracting & Supplies
st 8 from st 25, Toson

Tender price at tender opening: EGP 600,000.00
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): EGP 600,000.00
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 32,619.60
Reason For Rejection: ${tenderer.reason}

Is this a JVCA: No