Ebrd Contract Award Notice
1. Contract Details
Contract Title: E 02 Demolition & Substantial In-situ Expansion of Al Agamiyeen WWTP (Capacity of 11,000 m3/d)
Contract Description: The Scope of Works for this Contract is (i) to design a substantial in-situ expansion of the wastewater treatment plant with the secondary treatment of an ultimate capacity of 22,000 m3/d, (ii) to design and build a new wastewater plant with the capacity of 11,000 m3/d (in this contract (Stage 1). A number of elements of Stage 1 will be sized to facilitate the expansion of the WWTP to treat the Stage 2 design capacity of 22,000 m3/d, (iii) to provide Operation and Maintenance Training for the Employer's Staff and supervise and monitor the operation and maintenance of the WWTP during the Defects Notification Period.
Contract Scheduled Completion Date: 26/01/2026
Date of Contract Signature: 26/10/2023
Signed Contract Value:
11,497,640.00 EUR
No lots for this contract.
2. Contracting Party
Integrated Environmental Technologies and Oil Services (IETOS)
5, Engy El-Rafaey Street, Block 1226, Sheraton,,
5, Engy El-Rafaey Street, Block 1226, Sheraton,,
5, Engy El-Rafaey Street, Block 1226, Sheraton,,
EgyptJVCA Partners:No JVCA partners for this contract.
2. Contracting Party Integrated Environmental Technologies and Oil Services (IETOS)
5, Engy El-Rafaey Street, Block 1226, Sheraton,, 5, Engy El-Rafaey Street, Block 1226, Sheraton,, 5, Engy El-Rafaey Street, Block 1226, Sheraton,
Contract Price: EUR 11,497,640.00
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 11,497,640.00
3. Other Information No Other Information Provided
4. Client AddressEng. Tarek Bekhit
Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW)
Kornish El Nil - Rod El Farag, Rod El Farag Water Treatment Plant - El Sahel
Tel. 01222481908