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Romania: Tender Package No 6 : Terezian, Tiglari II- Lazaret III Areas

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Project Name: SMART- Sibiu Streets Rehabilitation Project
EBRD Project ID: 47537
Country: Romania
Client Name: City of Sibiu
ECEPP ID: 8753535
Procurement Exercise Name: Tender Package No 6 : Terezian, Tiglari II- Lazaret III Areas
Procurement Method: Open Tender Single Stage
Business Sector: Municipal and Environmental Infrastructure
Notice Type: Ebrd Contract Award Notice
Publication Date: 17/10/2019 11:15
Opportunity Status
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This opportunity is not yet open for response
This opportunity is now open for response
This opportunity is now closed for response
Access Opportunity
This opportunity is for information purposes only
This is a Ebrd Contract Award Notice and cannot be responded to directly.

Ebrd Contract Award Notice

Tender/Contract Reference No: 8753535: Tender Package No 6 : Terezian, Tiglari II- Lazaret III Areas

Scope Of Contract: Lot 1: Upgrading and refurbishment of seven streets in Area Terezian (7 streets: Honterus, Viorelelor, Eschile, Capriorilor, Lacramioarelor, Pandurilor, Sperantei, with approximate total length of 1.6 km)

Lot 2: Upgrading and refurbishment of eight streets in Area Lazaret III-Tiglari II (8 streets: Hameiului, Garoafei, Baicoi, Topitorilor, Lacului, Primaverii, Rulmentului, Ovidiu, with approximate total length of 1.3 km)

Work will generally include the reconstruction of the road and pavements as well as the installation of the associated utilities, water and drainage. The maximum time for completion of work for each lot is expected to be ten (10) months followed by a Defect Notification Period of five (5) years.

Contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank will be subject to the Bank's Procurement Policies and Rules and will be open to firms from any country. The proceeds of the Bank's loan will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law of official regulation of the Purchaser's country.

Duration of Contract:

Contract Award Date: 08/11/2019

Revised Scope Of Contract: Not revised

Lot 1

Awarded Tenderer(s):

Geiger Transilvania SRL
Romania, Mures County, Cristesti, Geiger Street, no. 1/E, Romania, Sibiu County, Sibiu, Hegel Street, no. 4, Cristesti, 547185, Romania

Geiger Transilvania SRL
Romania, Mures County, Cristesti, Geiger Street, no. 1/E, Romania, Sibiu County, Sibiu, Hegel Street, no. 4, Cristesti, 547185, Romania

Tender price at tender opening: RON 5,494,471.56
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): RON 4,617,202.99
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 971,436.42
Contract Price (in evaluation currency): RON 4,617,202.99
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 971,436.42
Tender price at tender opening: RON 4,479,773.96
Evaluated Tender Price (in evaluation currency): RON 3,764,515.93
Evaluated Tender Price (Euro Equivalent): € 792,035.32
Contract Price (in evaluation currency): RON 3,764,515.93
Contract Price (Euro Equivalent): € 792,035.32

Is this a JVCA: No

Evaluated Tenderer(s):

Lot 2

Awarded Tenderer(s):

Geiger Transilvania SRL
Romania, Mures County, Cristesti, Geiger Street, no. 1/E, Romania, Sibiu County, Sibiu, Hegel Street, no. 4, Cristesti, 547185, Romania

Geiger Transilvania SRL
Romania, Mures County, Cristesti, Geiger Street, no. 1/E, Romania, Sibiu County, Sibiu, Hegel Street, no. 4, Cristesti, 547185, Romania

Is this a JVCA: No

Evaluated Tenderer(s):